This is a practical book gving suggestions for dealing with a toxic ex-spouse. There are tips on what to watch for, as well as actual phrases to use when responding to your kids when they repeat hurtful words. There is a workbook-format section at the end of each chapter.
This author offers basic and practical advice covering the legal aspects of child custody, including situations such as kidnapping.
by Kathleen M. Reay, Ph.D.
Child custody litigation, called Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), has increased and is now widely recognized. High-conflict between divorcing or divorced parents, including the PAS phenomenon, is a noteworthy risk factor for children and adolescents. This workbook is for alienated parents and a wide array of readers including those directly affected by PAS as well as for extended family members, significant others, counselors, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, child custody evaluators, family mediators, general practitioners, pediatricians, family law lawyers, judiciary, police officers, school administrators, school teachers, and policy makers.
by Bill Eddy, Esq.
We live in an age of rapid change and instant communication. We also live in a Culture of Blame and Disrespect. When people repeatedly use personal attacks, they are “high-conflict people” (HCPs), because they lack skills for dealing well with conflict. Instead of sharing responsibility for solving problems, they repeatedly lose it and increase conflict by making it intensely personal and taking no responsibility. They are the most difficult people, because they are preoccupied with blaming others. This book gives advice about how to respond to anyone who tries to engage you with hostile emails, texts, Facebook postings, vicious rumors or just plain difficult behavior.
Co-Parenting Works! Helping your Children Thrive afer Divorce
by Tammy G. Daughtry
What if your child's "life-after-divorce" could be better than you hoped for? As the post-divorce dust settles, your child's chances of leading a healthy, successful life are directly linked to how you and your former spouse relate. You will discover how you can make positive co-parenting work for you and your child. It isn't easy, but these strategies for success, will prepare you to create an enjoyable childhood and a healthy upbringing that will impact your child for a lifetime.
Free Expert advice on Co-Parenting
Tina Swithin is an expert on high-conflict divorce and co-parenting in a high-conflict situation.
Her YouTube channel:
Books she has written: The Narc Decoder and Divorcing a Narcissist
FREE Expert Advice on Parental Alienation
Ryan Thomas on the topic of parental alienation. When Ryan Thomas was a child, his mother (and her family) turned him against his father. Now as an adult and an advisor to alienated parents and manipulated kids on how to reconnect, he offers information, including free videos: