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Malcolm Forbes said, “The best vision is insight.” As God continues to write my story, I continue to learn and grow. This page is dedicated to information and research that inspires my journey.
Forgiving Others and Forgiving Yourself
At one time or another, most people have been deeply wounded by someone they love. The deep pain is often accompanied by anger and resentmen
You and Your Ex - Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Going through the breakup of a marriage is difficult. Whether you stood before a hundred people or a Justice of the Peace, the pain of...
Suggestions for Self-Care
Self-care is not selfish. Ephesians 5:29 says: “After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ...
Self-Care and Divorce
Keeping It Together when Your World is Falling Apart A divorce is one of the most stressful, life-changing events you can suffer. In...
Survival Tips for Adult Children of Divorcing Parents
You've been gone from your family home for a while. Maybe you have a good career. Maybe you're married with a family of your own. Or,...
Married to Misery - Living with an Addict
There is hardly a situation more numbing than being married to an addict. Whether it's drugs, alcohol or even porn and sex, the impact on...
Loving vs. Enabling - When Does Support Become Toxic?
Christ-followers extend grace and mercy to demonstrate God’s love to others. But can too much be too much?
What the Bible Says About Domestic Violence
When someone hears the words “domestic violence,” many think of a battered wife in an impoverished neighborhood. While this is sometimes...
There Is Never an Excuse for Abuse
I'm not sure now what I said. I don't remember what I did. Yet, I do remember the fear that instinctively drove me to the other side of the
The Guilt and Shame of Divorce
With twelve words, my twenty-year marriage melted into thin air. And there was nothing I could do about it. It was quick and brutal. He sai
Divorce-Induced PTSD - A Critical Connection
When you think about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you likely think about people in the military. As far back as World War 1, there
Parental Alienation - When Your Child becomes a Weapon
Amber was working hard to move on from her divorce. The final judgement had been signed and entered by the court. Her new job was demanding,
Narcissistic Abuse - Living in Crazy Town
Going through a divorce is complicated and impacts your life in so many ways. Anxiety, worry, insomnia, weight loss or gain, depression and
Jesus’ View of Women
Society disregarded women as unworthy. But, in Matthew 19:4, Jesus reminded His followers God created them in His image, just like men.
Helping Your Teen Handle Your Divorce
He's six-feet tall and has his own car. She's an accomplished pianist, holding down an after-school job. You think you know what he's think
Friends and Family Relationships After Divorce
Marcy was shopping when she turned a corner and came face to face with her sister-in-law. Or, her ex-sister-in-law to be exact. Totally surp
Emotional Abuse-Silent Epidemic in Christian Marriages
Relationships in our society today are suffering. Unfortunately, this is never truer than in Christian marriages. Failing at just about the
Divorce and Grief - Part of the Process
As soon as she opened her eyes, Allie felt the excruciating pressure of the deep, paralyzing sorrow in her chest. It had been three months s
Boundaries and Divorce-Cutting the Ties that Bind
Your divorce is final at last (or close to it). You want to move on and leave it all behind. Yet, trying to navigate the murky waters of yo
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